How to Give Your Fireplace a New Look Without Going Broke


Having a fireplace in your home gives you an instant focal point. Your guests’ eyes will immediately find the fireplace, and it may also become the spot that everyone wants to sit in front of.

If your fireplace is outdated, you may want to spruce it up since it gains so much attention. But trying to revamp an old fireplace can be expensive—that is, if you don’t know how to go about giving your fireplace a makeover without breaking the bank. If you really want to give your fireplace a new look without spending a fortune, the following are seven great ways to do so.

1. Paint it.

One of the simplest things you can do to revamp an old fireplace is to paint it. Whether you have wood or brick surrounding your fireplace, a fresh new paint color can give it the fresh new feel it deserves—all for just the cost of paint.

2. Remove old covers.

If you have a brick fireplace that has been covered up by drywall, plaster, tile or other material, an easy way to makeover your fireplace is to simply remove the materials and bring it back to its original state. Even if the brick underneath is not in the most perfect condition, a quick tuckpointing and even a new paint job can give it a whole new life.

3. Cover it.

You can also go the opposite route. If you have an ugly fireplace, cover it up with drywall and paint it. The fresh drywall will give it a clean, simple design, and you can use it as a blank canvas to decorate however you see fit.

4. Do a tile job.

Most homeowners are afraid to tackle tile themselves, but it’s not as hard as it seems. Pick out a tile that you love and frame out around the fireplace in tile. Since you’re not covering a large area, a few boxes of tile will not be very expensive. (You can also use slate, granite or another form of stone too, not just basic tile.) Then simply buy mortar and grout and stick to the directions on the bags to apply the tile yourself. Some beautiful new tile can be just the thing to give your fireplace a cost-effective new look.

5. Go faux.

Buying stones to cover up your fireplace will be expensive, but nobody said you had to pick real stone. There are plenty of faux stones out there that you can buy and adhere to your fireplace to give it a new look. There’s also faux stone paneling to make the job even easier. Simply visit your neighborhood home improvement store and check out your options. Some of the stones can be applied by using a heavy-duty glue, making your job much easier.

6. Give it a good cleaning.

If you haven’t cleaned your fireplace in years, a very cheap way to give it a new look is to just give it a good cleaning. Make sure to wipe down around the outside of the fireplace as well as inside, and try to remove as much soot as possible.

7. Buy new hardware.

If all the hardware for your fireplace is dated, buy some new ones. Invest in a fireplace kit, a wood holder and even a front cover to keep kids and pets away. Some new hardware is a very easy and cost-effective way to get a new look.