Pest Talk: Prevention Is Definitely Better Than Cure!


Pests in the home are a major issue that all homeowners have to deal with at some time or the other. The home is prone to attacks by different types of pests like flies, spiders, rodents or rats, ants and cockroaches among others. Depending on the kind of pests on your property, you will be exposed to health issues and damage to property. Pests adapt easily to different conditions and especially living near human beings and it can be very hard to get rid of them.

A common mistake that a lot of people make is to try pest control on their own. However, sometimes, it is better to leave this job to the professionals who have the skills and equipment to do a better job than you. The good news is that there are some preventative pest control measures that you can take. This will ensure that your home is not so appealing to any kind of pest. Some preventative measures that you can take are:

• Remove stagnant water or cover standing water sources

Certain pests like mosquitoes are attracted to stagnant water and will easily thrive and breed in it. After rainfall, it is highly advisable to check outside and ensure there are no pools of water. Areas that hold standing water like swimming pools, recycling containers and gutters should either be monitored or covered. Apart from monitoring, frequent cleaning should be scheduled so that it does not provide an environment for the pests to breed. If you have a lake, pond or other water bodies near your home, then you can introduce certain fish species that feeds on mosquitoes larvae. You can also use oils which coats the water’s surface as a way to stop breeding. This prevents the pupae or larvae from getting air since the oil increases surface tension.

• Seal the home’s exterior

You should take some time to inspect your home’s exterior and identify various entry points for different kinds of pests. You should note that pests can gain access through even the tiniest gaps especially around windows and doors. Inspection of the home should be carried out seasonally because pests will constantly be on the lookout for entry points. Seal all cracks and breaks and do not forget access points for pipes and utilities.

• Clean up your yard

Trim overgrown shrubs, bushes and excess foliage because pests are highly attracted to moist and dark spots. While much is used in landscaping to prevent weed growth and keep plants healthy, it can attract different kinds of pests. It is highly advisable to use certain kinds of mulch like aromatic bark sparingly and away from the home’s foundation. There are also certain items like compost heaps and wood piles that are considered as pest magnets. If you cannot or do not want to get rid of these items, then they should be placed about 25 feet from the house. Food sources like garbage, pet food, bird feeders and fallen fruit are a common attraction of pests.

• De-clutter

Pest love cramped household items and furniture which is the reason the basement and attic are their favorite spots. Take time to get rid of old furniture, clothes, unneeded boxes and newspapers to keep the home clean and neat. Storage spaces that are rarely disturbed can also provide a good nesting area for pest like rats. Make sure you inspect storage boxes for evidence of pests before you move them to another part of the house.

• Keep your kitchen clean

A few crumbs on your kitchen floor are enough to attract pests especially ants that will take any opportunity. Clean up any spills and store food in container with air tight lids or in the refrigerator to eliminate food sources. Even when kitchen surfaces look clean, it is highly advisable to wipe with a cleaning agent to remove food traces. A common hotspot for cockroaches is cabinets under the sink because it provides the right environment for breeding. This area should be kept clean at all times and if there is any sign of infestation, then immediate measures should be taken. You should avoid leaving dirty dishes overnight and get rid of food scrapes by placing them in the trashcan.