What Areas Need To Have Planning Permission


Planning Permission

Land cannot be built on without express permission from the local council.

This can be obtained by a firm of planning specialists.

A specialist firm will submit all of the paperwork for planning permits in Geelong on behalf of the client and they will track the progress of the application. Some applications will be granted with ease whilst others might take a long time.

What land will need planning permission?

  • Land that is intended to contain a multi-storey car park
  • Land that is intended to contain a shopping centre
  • Land that is intended to contain a nightclub
  • Land that is intended to include a housing estate
  • Land that is intended to house a children’s playground
  • Land that is intended for a broadcast tower

Planning permission will be granted by the Council only when they feel that any building work in the future is going to be sustainable.

For example, there may be difficulties if a company wants to have planning permission for a nightclub in an area that has a lot of residential homes.

How Long Is The Planning Permit Waiting Period?

Regulations state that a decision needs to be made by the local authority in a sensible amount of time. The permit will usually be issued in less than sixty days unless the planning project is especially complex or involves dozens of different buildings.

Why Should You Leave The Application Process To A Specialist Firm?

  • You don’t have to research property law.
  • You can concentrate on thinking about how the land is going to be used.
  • Planning ahead, you can think about the design of any buildings that will be constructed on the land.

Once the permit has been granted, then the next phase of the process can begin. Again, this can be handled by the firm of architects and planners that have been hired.

Is A Building Permit Required As Well?

A building permit is required in order for a house or commercial property to be built on the land. You do not have to worry about being caught out by this. A specialist firm will make sure that a planning permit and a building permit is obtained.

Once the building permit has been obtained, the architects can design the first draft of the building.

Article Review

You cannot start building on a piece of land that you own. Instead, you are going to need a permit, which allows the land to be developed.

A firm of planners and architects will be able to take care of this process. Whilst this process is going on, then you can hold meetings with the architects about plans for future buildings.

Next, you will have to wait for the building permit to be obtained. This is not going to take a large amount of time. When this permit has been obtained, the architectural blueprints can be submitted.

The builders will be able to legally build on the land, using the blueprints created by the architect.