Main Tips to sell the house


Selling a property is not as simple as hanging an ad and waiting for the offers to rain, according to statistics, a buyer before deciding and buying, visit an average of about 12 properties. Therefore, some advice is necessary to sell the house following certain guidelines if we want to be successful in the sale of our house. Recently, various media gave the news of the improvement in the real estate market that was happening in the country. As for the sale of real estate, things have changed a lot compared to a few years ago. The news rose early in the morning: the average time needed to sell a property in Spain is now in 3 months. This new one, given by the media, could go unnoticed by many, but not for those who are thinking at the moment of selling their house

Start preparing as soon as possible

  • At the same time, you decide to put your house for sale it would be a good time to start preparing it for sale.
  • The ideal would be to give a margin of between 3 and 6 months to prepare the house, update it, make the repairs that are necessary and order it.
  • It is important to clear your house. Avoid excess furniture, books, boxes or boxes, as they will distract the potential buyer’s attention, and also remove light and make the rooms look smaller.
  • It will also be necessary to try that the house has a pleasant smell, some correct paint tones and that the house is ventilated. Fast house sale is necessary in some emergency conditions

Seek professional help

  • He knows that the help of a good professional is essential to selling your home in a short time and at the right price.
  • It is important that you have a good real estate agent, as this can give you information about similar houses in your area, the trends that are in the prices and can also advise you on what to do to show your home.
  • Share with your agent your forecasts of time to sell and let yourself be advised by him regarding the price of the property, since he knows the market, and the sale of a home must have an adequate price to achieve the goal we pursue.
  • Ask your agent to recommend the best strategy to prepare your property for sale, so that all the features that we want to highlight properly.
  • A good agent will also help you to optimize the internet presence of your property, and will take advantage of this means to make it known to potential buyers.