Home Safety Redefined – Identify The Most Dangerous Pests In The Home!

Funnel Web Spider

One of the challenges that people face when combating pests is ignorance. They fail to understand what exactly inhabits their home or environment, thereby becoming the hunted, terrorised by these vermins. It is important to know which animals are the more common pests in the area you reside in and the various characteristics they possess. Often times they will be noted to reside in cracks and crevices that are in the concrete parts of the home’s structure or even in doorways. This knowledge will help employ the right methods in dealing with the pests.

Of particular interest are the spiders.

  1. Black Widow Spider

With its defining hourglass shape on its underside, it tends to be one of the most feared spider species. Marked by a red colour, it tends to create a very tangled and messy web, one of the main tell tale signs that it is in the vicinity. An attempt to remove the web will cause it to produce a static like effect that crackles. They are more easily spotted at the end of the day, as the sunset rays reveal its unique colour as the pest hides behind appliances and in corners that are seldom frequented. The spider is not only feared for the fact that she eats her mate, but also the fact that her bite is venomous.

  1. Funnel Web Spider

Not all forms of the spider are dangerous but caution should be maintained in areas where they are prevalent. The Sydney funnel spiders are considered the most dangerous as they are very aggressive and have even been listed as the second most deadly spiders in the world. The other type worth mentioning is the Hobo spider whose bites can cause necrotic lesions. The challenge with these spiders is the fact that their web is broad and the spider tends to position itself at the end of the funnel shaped web it creates. Most of these species are actually beneficial in that they eat flies and other pesky insects.

  1. White Tail Spider

Slender in form and gray or brown in colour, they tend to attain an average length of about 1-2 cm. Their bodies are cylindrical and their legs glossy. Their bites are not as dangerous as some of the other forms of spiders but they are known to cause itching and skin discolouration, which could last a few weeks. In some cases, they could cause nausea and ulceration. However, they tend to hide in sensitive areas of the home like towels the layers of bedding in the rooms. Outdoors, they will be found behind barks, in mulch and leaves.

  1. Tarantula

Very common to desert climate regions, the tarantula is likely to be a common feature in homes found in these regions. They have a scary appearance, with furry exterior that is quite big for its size; it is often intimidating to those who encounter it. They good news is that they are not considered a threat to humans, but are more of a danger to rodents! When aggravated, they will bite and are often seen to get into a defensive stance as a way of sending out a warning to their enemies.

  1. The Brown Recluse

Interestingly enough, this species of spider has the unique characteristic of possessing six eyes! They have a crescent like form. They commonly find their home on debris found in desert areas but sometimes tend to make their way into people’s residences in these locations. It is important to take them seriously, as a bite from these spiders can result in irreversible damage to the tissues if left unattended.

These pests tend to thrive in homes because they are not regarded as pests in the first place. People are rarely looking out for them, and when they are, they are not fully aware what parameters to use to identify and distinguish one type of spider from another. When seeking to bring them under control and stop a possible invasion into the home, natural remedies need to be considered as they at times tend to very effective against the infestation. Spiders do not like the scent of peppermint or eucalyptus oil. This means having these scents in the home could be a good way of getting rid of them.