5 Packing Tips To Use When Moving During The Holidays


You’ve got gift shopping and holiday parties, family reunions, and meal planning. As though the holidays weren’t a hectic enough period, now you have to move in the midst of it all? If you’re wondering how you will survive moving to a new home during the holidays, we have some useful tips below.

Start packing far in advance.

The biggest trick to moving during the holidays without succumbing to holiday fatigue is simply to start packing early. You know that you’ll be busy preparing for the holidays by November, so give yourself plenty of time before then to get the bulk of your belongings packed up.

As soon as you confirm that you are moving, start organizing, decluttering, and buying packing materials. Start packing up your non-essentials — the items you don’t use on a daily basis — months in advance. Pack a few boxes every week until only the daily essentials are left.

Ideally, most of your stuff should be packed before Thanksgiving. That way, you can actually focus on the holiday and the company of those you spend Thanksgiving with. By December, you should be done with the preparations for moving day so you can just concentrate on enjoying the holiday celebrations.

Prepare for winter weather.

If you are moving somewhere cold, be prepared for frigid temperatures and treacherous winter weather conditions that can make driving perilous. Blizzards, heavy snow, and icy roads can pose challenges to your move or even delay it.

Before moving day, make sure that your whole family has winter-ready clothing like boots, gloves, and hats. You should also have moving supplies like shovels and salt for dealing with snow. It’s also a good idea to ask that the electricity and heat at your new place be turned on before you arrive on moving day.

Stick with your holiday traditions

This is particularly important if you have children. With little children around, you want to maintain a sense of normalcy and routine. Just because you are moving doesn’t mean you can skip out on your family’s holiday traditions.

This is another reason you should pack well in advance. If you’re no longer rushing about getting things ready for the move, you can actually sit back and enjoy your holiday traditions.

But forget about hosting holiday parties.

If you’re usually the one to host your family’s or your circle’s holiday party, beg off this time. Ask a family member or a good friend if they can host it instead.

This is not the time to be spending time, money, and energy on hosting parties. We guarantee you it will be just as much fun if you let someone else host.

Set aside holiday decor for your new home

You’ll want your new house to feel like home as soon as you move in. If you’re moving during the holidays, you want the new place to exude some holiday spirit. Pack a box with your favorite holiday decorations and make sure it is labelled clearly so you can whip out the decor as soon as you arrive.

Moving during the holidays is a unique experience. It doesn’t have to be stressful at all. Good luck with your move!