Packing Books for Moving and Storage


Books happen to be quite sensitive items if you don’t move them the right way, so if you happen to have quite a few and you want to keep them safe during your trip to a new place, then you will need to take great care to protect them. Even if you own a smaller quantity, you should still protect them from damage and organize them when packing. The following tips will give you a few ideas you can use to make it happen:

Packing Books for Moving and Storage

  • Clear up a small working area around your rooms where you can get the job done. The free space will be necessary for the next steps on our list.
  • Finding smaller boxes with a size slightly bigger than a microwave oven will be an excellent beginning toward a storage They will allow you enough space to work with while at the same time making them harder to rip apart during the move. You can easily buy boxes online or in person from a number of websites or stores, so you would do well to think ahead of time and do that while you prepare for the actual move. If you happen to work for a company that deals with some sort of product, then you would do well to look for possible solutions to your problem by looking for boxes at your workplace.
  • Place the books near your working area to get started and organize them as you see fit.
  • You may want to put hardcover books away from the soft covers and see whether you can pack them separately. Hardcover books will be heavier due to the materials they are made of, so you would do well to pack them in smaller, sturdier boxes to accommodate for that added weight.
  • Put all books upright so you can have an easier time packing them without taking too much space you could otherwise use for more books. If you see any gaps, make sure you fill them up with bubble wrap or paper to keep them tight and steady during the move.
  • You can use silica gel packs for each of the boxes so they can be safer from moisture and damage. You can easily find those in most shoeboxes, but chances are you never saved them due to their toxic nature. You can however find some at home improvement stores such as Michaels in the USA or Fisher Scientific, allowing you to use them.
  • Label all your belongings and boxes and make sure you keep the list on hand for when you need it. If you happen to feel inclined, then you can even work on setting up a small inventory list of what you have so you will have far less trouble moving things once you’re done. This will help with the unpacking at their final destination.